+30 Braid Game References

CGRundertow BRAID for Xbox 360 Video Game Review YouTube
CGRundertow BRAID for Xbox 360 Video Game Review YouTube from www.youtube.com

What is Braid Game?

Braid Game is an award-winning puzzle-platformer video game developed by Jonathan Blow, released in 2008. The game is set in a painterly, surrealistic world and features a unique time manipulation mechanic, allowing the player to control numerous aspects of the game world. The player takes control of a man named Tim, who has to rescue a princess from a monster. The game is considered to be a classic example of independent video game development, and has received widespread critical acclaim.


Braid Game is played from a side-scrolling perspective, with the player taking control of Tim as he moves through a series of levels. The main mechanic of the game is the ability to manipulate time. The player can rewind, fast-forward, and even pause time, allowing them to solve puzzles and progress through the game. The game also features a number of puzzles which require the player to make clever use of the time manipulation mechanic.


The graphics of Braid Game are highly stylized and surreal. The game world is rendered in a painterly style, with bright colors and striking visuals. The game also features an original score by composer Martin O’Donnell, which adds to the game’s atmosphere.


Braid Game has received widespread critical acclaim. The game has been praised for its unique visuals, soundtrack, and time manipulation mechanic. The game has been cited as one of the best indie games of all time, and has won numerous awards.

Braid Game FAQs

What console is Braid Game available on?

Braid Game is available on PC, Mac, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

What is the main mechanic of Braid Game?

The main mechanic of Braid Game is the ability to manipulate time. The player can rewind, fast-forward, and even pause time, allowing them to solve puzzles and progress through the game.

What is the title of the original score of Braid Game?

The original score of Braid Game is composed by Martin O’Donnell, titled “The World of Braid”.

What awards has Braid Game won?

Braid Game has won numerous awards, including “Game of the Year” from the Independent Games Festival, and “Game of the Year” from 1UP.com.

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